Training Your Pomeranian to Sit: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you looking for a comprehensive guide on how to train your Pomeranian to sit? Look no further!

This guide will provide you with detailed, patient, and knowledgeable instructions on how to effectively teach your pup the sit command.

We’ll cover every step from introducing the command to increasing its duration.

With the right approach, you’ll be able to serve your pup and help them learn this important behavior.

Key Takeaways

  • Positive reinforcement and praise are important for introducing the command and training your Pomeranian to sit.
  • Using treats and verbal commands can help reinforce the desired behavior.
  • Repetition, rewards, and regular practice are essential for effective training.
  • Consistency in training and correcting wrong actions is crucial for your Pomeranian’s learning process.

Familiarizing With the Command

Now that you have decided to train your Pomeranian to sit, the next step is to familiarize them with the command.

Start by introducing the command with positive reinforcement and give them lots of praise. You can use a clicker training technique to help them understand the command.

Speak the command in a clear, consistent tone every time you want them to sit. Be sure to give them a treat or toy as a reward when they obey and sit. This will help reinforce the behavior and help them learn faster.

Avoid becoming frustrated when they don’t understand. Be patient and keep repeating the command and providing positive reinforcement.

With enough repetition, your Pomeranian will soon understand the command and be able to sit on command.

Using a Treat

Once you’ve familiarized your Pomeranian with the command, it’s time to start using a treat. This is a great way to utilize positive reinforcement and encourage your pup to follow your clear instructions.

Start by holding a treat in one hand, and using your other hand to direct your pup’s head toward the ground. As your pup follows your hand, say the phrase “sit” in a calm, assertive manner. If your pup doesn’t sit, wait a few seconds and try again.

When your pup finally sits, quickly give the treat and offer lots of praise! This method of positive reinforcement is key for teaching your Pomeranian the command.

From here, it’s time to move onto utilizing verbal commands.

Utilizing Verbal Commands

Now that you’ve familiarized your Pomeranian with the ‘sit’ command and have begun using a treat to reinforce it, it’s time to move onto utilizing verbal commands.

Verbal cues are important tools in training your pup, as they provide positive reinforcement for the behavior you’re trying to train. When your Pomeranian sits, use a verbal cue like “good sit” or “yes” in a happy, encouraging tone.

If your pup doesn’t respond to the verbal cue the first time, don’t try to force them into the desired position. Instead, provide verbal encouragement and try again. The goal is for your Pomeranian to associate the verbal cue with the desired behavior.

Once they understand, reward them with praise or a treat. With patience and consistent reinforcement, your pup will learn to respond to your verbal commands.

Repetition and Reward

Training your Pomeranian to sit is an easy task that requires patience and repetition. To successfully teach your pup the command, start by repeating the command each time you ask your pup to sit.

Make sure to reward good behaviors with treats and praise to reinforce the training.

With consistent practice, your Pomeranian will be sitting on command in no time!

Repeat Commands

Repeating commands and rewarding your Pomeranian’s progress are key to successful training. Utilizing Positive Reinforcement and Clicker Training methods are the most effective way to do this.

Start by saying the command once, then repeating it until your Pomeranian responds. If your pup doesn’t respond, use a gesture or a treat to encourage them.

Every time your pup successfully responds to the command, reward them with a treat and lots of praise. This will help your pup understand that the behavior is desirable.

As your pup progresses, you can reduce the number of treats and increase verbal praise. Establishing a consistent routine of repeating commands and rewards will ensure that your pup learns the desired behavior.

Reward Behaviors

Once you have begun repeating the command and rewarding your Pomeranian’s progress, you’ll need to establish a consistent routine.

Positive reinforcement is key to successful training, so be sure to reward your pup for their successes. Treats are a great way to show your Pomeranian that they’re doing a good job and will encourage them to continue.

Clicker training is also a great way to reward your Pomeranian for good behavior. As you repeat commands, give a click each time your pup responds correctly and then treat them with a reward. This will help your pup understand that they’re being praised for their good behavior.

Make sure to stay consistent and patient with your pup and their training. With dedication and positive reinforcement, your Pomeranian will become a pro at sitting in no time.

Reinforce Training

Repeat the command often and reward your pup when they do it correctly to reinforce the training.

Positive reinforcement is key to teaching your pup to sit. After each successful attempt, give your pup a treat, a pat on the head, or lots of verbal praise.

It’s important to use the same cue words and phrases each time you train, so that your pup can more easily recognize the command.

Be patient when training your pup to sit as it may take a few sessions to get it right. With consistency and patience, your pup will soon understand the expectations and be able to sit on command.

To ensure that your pup understands the command, practice in different environments and reward them for sitting correctly.

Show your pup that you value their effort and your pup will become more eager to learn and you’ll have the perfect companion.

Practicing Regularly

Practicing regularly is essential to successfully training your Pomeranian. Repetition helps your pup learn the desired behavior, and consistency ensures they understand they must do as you ask.

You can help your pup learn to sit by repeating the process every day.


If you want your Pomeranian to learn to sit, you’ll need to practice regularly. Creating a working environment that’s positive and relaxed helps to ensure that your pup is getting the most out of the experience.

Using body language and verbal cues can also help them to understand what it’s you’re asking them to do. It’s important to be as consistent as possible when training your Pomeranian and to keep in mind that repetition is key.

Make sure to practice the same command multiple times in a row to help your pup understand the meaning of the word. Consistency is also important when it comes to rewarding your pup for following your command.


You need to consistently and regularly practice teaching your Pomeranian to sit, so that it can become second nature. Here are some tips to help you:

  • Establish rules:
  • Define a set of standards that your dog must follow, and make sure to stick to them.
  • Clearly communicate expectations, and be sure to reward your pup when it follows the rules.
  • Be consistent with rewards and consequences.
  • Be consistent:
  • Practice the same commands and tricks over and over.
  • Make sure that your pup is aware of the commands you use and the expectations you have.
  • Give your pup the same amount of attention and affection each day.
  • Enjoy the process:
  • Don’t be discouraged if your pup doesn’t understand something right away.
  • Have patience and be kind when teaching your Pomeranian.
  • Show your pup that you’re enjoying the process, and it will be more likely to enjoy it, too!

Correcting Wrong Actions

When it comes to correcting wrong actions, you’ll need to stay consistent. Using a leashing technique with positive reinforcement is key to teaching your pup the right behavior. When your pup does something wrong, remain calm and redirect their behavior.

For example, if your pup jumps on you, calmly tell them to sit and offer a treat if they do. This will help them learn that if they do the right thing, they get rewarded.

Additionally, avoid punishing your pup for wrong behavior. Instead, offer a distraction or remove the situation altogether. By doing this, they’ll learn that wrong behavior doesn’t lead to positive outcomes.

Increasing Duration and Removing Treats

Once your pup can consistently sit on command, begin increasing the duration and removing treats. To do this, you’ll need to create a positive reinforcement reward system. This involves:

  • Rewarding your Pomeranian for good behavior:
  • Give verbal praise and petting
  • Offer treats and toys
  • Ignoring bad behavior:
  • Refrain from rewarding the bad behavior
  • Don’t give any attention or reprimand
  • Gradually reduce the rewards:
  • Start by rewarding every time your Pomeranian sits
  • As they become more reliable, reward only occasionally.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Type of Treats Should I Use to Train My Pomeranian?

When training your Pomeranian, use treats that offer positive reinforcement and praise words. Choose a small, tasty treat that your pup loves and can easily eat quickly when given as a reward. Use treats that are healthy and nutritious for your pup. Be patient and consistent when providing rewards and praise. Your pup will learn quickly with the right amount of care and attention.

How Long Should Each Training Session Last?

Training your pup should be rewarding and fun! A good rule of thumb is to keep each session short and positive, typically 15-20 minutes, and ensure you have a reward system in place to reinforce the behaviors you want. With patience and positive reinforcement, your pup will learn quickly!

How Do I Know When My Pomeranian Has Learned the Command?

When your Pomeranian responds to your verbal cues and positive reinforcement consistently, you can be sure he has learned the command. Monitor his progress and reward him for good behavior to reinforce that he has mastered the command.

How Often Should I Practice With My Pomeranian?

You should practice with your Pomeranian several times a day for short sessions. Use positive reinforcement and verbal cues to reward desired behaviors. Be consistent, patient and encouraging and your Pomeranian will soon learn the command.

What Should I Do if My Pomeranian Does Not Obey the Command?

If your Pomeranian doesn’t obey the command, be patient and try rewarding alternative behaviors with positive reinforcement. Don’t scold them; instead, focus on rewarding the behaviors you do want. Serve them with kindness and understanding, and soon they’ll understand the command.


Training your pomeranian to sit can be a rewarding experience. With a little patience and consistency, you and your pup will have the basics down in no time.

Keep the training sessions short and sweet, and reward your pup when they do something right. You’ll be amazed at how quickly they can learn and respond to your commands.

With a bit of practice and positive reinforcement, you and your pup will be the envy of the dog park in no time!